A curtail is your first curved step of a staircase, and it extends into both sides of the stairs in the landing. It serves as the foundation of the newel post and complements the volute (the spiral detail in which the handrail or banister begins).
Island Architects
This is a classic curtail, located at the first step of the stairs. Notice the way that it is longer compared to other treads and provides a foundation for your own newel post.
David Churchill – Architectural Photographer
A contemporary curtail becomes a sturdy and secure landing for this narrow stairs.
Anthony Baratta LLC
The curtail supplies a foundation for your own newel post, which is the big vertical post that lifts the handrail or banister.
Rachel Reider Interiors
When two curtails exist on each side of the stairs, it is called a double-sided curtail. Two curtails progressing up the staircase are a double curtail. And is called a bullnose curtail. This staircase includes all three.
Helios Design Group
Carpeting was cut away from the curtail of this winding stairs, highlighting the beautiful curves.
Lasley Brahaney Architecture + Construction
A volute is that the spiral detail at the beginning of the handrail, complementing the curve of the curtail below it.
Bostudio Architecture, P.C.
This curtail stands out as the sole curve along with a five-panel doorway, a boxy newel post and the right lines of the parquet flooring.