The best way to Plant Green Velvet Boxwood Bushes
Versatile, dwarf Green Velvet boxwood (Buxus “Green Velvet” COPF) weds Korean boxwoodâs (B. sinica var. insularis) compact dimensions with English boxwoodâs (B. sempervirens) lustrous, oval deep-green foliage. Growing gradually into a mature 2- to 4 foot peak and spread, Green Velvetâs semi-rounded type tolerates shearing to any desired shape. Well-adapted to existence in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant-hardiness zones 6 through 9, its short-comings contain intolerance of damp or salty soils and average susceptibility to leaf spot or blight; boxwood leaf miners and mites might be small issues. Use this boxwood formal border hedge, as a stylish container plant or little -landscape basis planting.
A well-drained site with regularly moist loam. A place with north eastern, northern, southern or south-eastern exposure is greatest. In the event that you are in a warm-summer location, give sunshine and afternoon shade; else where it requires sun or full-sun – dappled shade.
Plant Green Velvet boxwood between fall and spring. A plant at least three years old.
Dig a hole 6″ deeper than the container of the boxwood and twice the width. Loosen the eliminated backyard soil in a ratio of 1 part modification to TO AT LEAST ONE part soil with peat moss or a different organic amendment. This encourages the roots to develop toward the soil as opposed to clinging to their own light, rapidly draining container medium of the boxwood.
Grasp the boxwood around its foundation and lift it in the container. Use a knife to trim root ends that are damaged and cut any roots off.
Fill the hole with enough amended garden soil in order for the top 1-inch of the Green Velvetâs root ball extends over the soil line. Spread the roots of the boxwood and heart it.
Continue packing soil throughout the root ball. When the hole is three quarters complete, water it to eliminate air pockets. Let the shrub settle, but enough that its best stays over the soil line. It’s going to continue to to be in normally after planting.
Fill the hole. Encircle shrub having soil mound, or a berm, 6″ from its foundation to produce a water basin. Water the Green Velvet properly again.
Spread a 2- to 3 inch layer of leaves or other organic mulch throughout the shrub to keep its roots awesome. Its root institution is sped by watering throughout the first-year.