If you have access to bunny pellets or raise rabbits, you have found a organic fertilizer. Rabbit manure is known as a”cold” manure, meaning it’s unlikely to burn plants since it decomposes. It has little odor and also the smallpellets are simple to disperse and utilize. It can be disperse by you, add it straight to potting soil or make homemade potting soil. Just like animal manures, you do need to take particular precautions.
Among the easiest methods to incorporate rabbit manure is by spreading it on the dirt around the plant. Across the crops, disperse no longer than a 1/2 – to 1-inch coating of rabbit pellets to top-dress container garden crops. It’s a good idea before adding it to wash the rabbit manure although rabbit manure is less likely to burn crops than other types of manures. Make sure that the pellets do not touch the crops. Always wash your hands thoroughly.
You can even add compost to commercial potting soil to improve fertility and drainage. Add a handful or two of rabbit manure into the soil. Before filling the pots combine the mixture thoroughly. Rabbit manure contains more nitrogen than most other animal manures — more than double the quantity of horse and horse manure. Do not overdo it Even though the nitrogen is released slowly. Excess nitrogen may promote growth at the expense of flowers.
If you’d like to make your own potting mix for container gardens, combine bunny manure with untreated grass clippings rabbit bedding and other organic matter to generate compost instead of incorporating the manure straight to the mix. Dr. George Dickerson in New Mexico State University Extension recommends incorporating some red wiggler worms into a bin containing rabbit manure and organic matter to earn a high-quality compost. Allow the compost to endure for at least three to six months. Blend this mulch with top soil and sand in amounts that are equivalent.
Rabbit manure has many benefits over other types of manure. Their manure is less likely to contain marijuana seeds compared to the manures of horses and cows Since rabbits are fed a diet. Rabbit manure is also likely to contain pathogens which may cause illness. Nonetheless, it’s still a good idea before applying it into containers which contain food crops to further reduce the possibility of illness, advises Colorado State University Extension. Allow rabbit manure to endure for four months if you plan on using it on food crops which make contact with dirt such as carrots (Daucus carota) or lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata).