The countdown is on to Easter, and it’s time to put down a strategy for the yearly egg hunt. Rather than hitting the usual hiding places — behind the throw cushions, under the sofa — have a little fun this season by stashing the eggs in unexpected places. Your kids will have a ball trying to track them all down, and you’ll feel pretty proud that you have managed to outsmart your increasingly clever children for after. Just remember to write down where all the eggs are hidden: There’s a reason rotten eggs get a bad rap!
Browse Easter decorating thoughts
DIN Interiorismo
Get your kids’ stuffed animals in on the act. If possible, make it look like the stuffed animal is interacting with all the egg — perhaps holding it or appearing to consume it. This is sure to find a laugh.
Dreamy Whites
Look around your area for awesome accessories or items you can play with. These flowerlike throw cushions have tons of nooks and crannies for egg hiding.
What forms of sculptures or artistic pieces do you have around the home that might be a sneaky egg hider? This piece (which is constructed from toilet paper rolls!) Are a great place to maintain a little chocolate egg.
Work eggs to vignettes or bands of framed photographs. Whenever there are already several visually appealing items happening, it’s easy to overlook the addition of an Easter egg. This, of course, makes it all the more enjoyable when it has finally found.
Make room in everyday holders. In the event the holder is heavy enough, your child won’t be able to place an egg till he or she has close enough to really peer inside, necessitating sleuthing skills.
Fiorella Design
Do you have any hats hanging hooks? Hide an unbreakable egg carefully inside the rim of the hat for a beautiful surprise.
Dreamy Whites
Let’s face it, kids are never averse to climbing all over the furniture. Have a little fun by hiding Easter eggs in areas slightly out of reach, like a vase on a shelf, so they must put in a small physical work.
Peregrine Design Build
Behold: the numerous hiding places of the mudroom. Stick your Easter eggs boots, mittens or the pockets of coats. This is certainly not a location where you want to forget about the egg: Jackets with long-forgotten rotten eggs in the pockets don’t bode well for anyone.
Munger Interiors
From the restroom, sneak one beneath the tissue box. Work the tissues around the egg to disguise it.
Bill Fry Construction – Wm. H. Fry Const. Co..
Or slide a few interior rolled-up towels.
Rob Kane – Kitchen Interiors Inc..
From the kitchen, take advantage of the pantry. Work a sneaky small egg between the granola bars and maple syrup. These are surely places no egg has gone before.
Justrich Design
Offer your child a true surprise by hiding one in the box of cereal you intend to serve that morning. Could you imagine the pleasure when an Easter egg comes rolling out with the Cheerios?
David Vandervort Architects
Get crafty by painting your eggs the exact same shade as fruit you have shown around the home, and then work them into the grouping. Just be sure you don’t absentmindedly reach for an apple during the excellent hunt and find yourself biting into a hard-boiled egg instead.
David Vandervort Architects
Hanging coffee mugs make excellent hiding places too. Put one in every for a collection of fun.
It’s always enjoyable to inspect unsuspecting kitchen appliances. Hide one in the teapot: It always looks so innocent.
Style Moe Kitchen & Bath / Heather Moe designer
Why would you ever hide the eggs wherever your child last saw them? Exactly! This is what produces the fridge so enjoyable for hiding Easter eggs. Don’t leave them in the carton, however: Disperse them maybe from the vegetable drawer or next to the ketchup. Your child will certainly get a kick from the discovery.
Inform us: Where is your best egg-hiding place?
10 Ways to Set the Table for an Amazing Easter
Client Decisions: Easter Entertaining